Improving Handheld Raman Performance: From Pharmaceuticals to Forensics
Metrohm USA
Course: SC107
1/2 Day Course
Beginner Level
Wednesday: 03/20/2019
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Raman Spectroscopy, Sample Preparation, Spectroscopy, Validation
$350 ($475 after 2/25/19)
Be sure to check out Adam’s other Short Course:
Target Audience
This course assumes little or no experience with handheld Raman or Raman spectroscopy in general. It is idea for anyone using laboratory based materials inspection protocols and current handheld Raman users looking to improve instrument adoption and reliability.
Course Description
Over the past 15 years, handheld Raman analyzers have become commonplace in the defense/forensics and pharmaceutical industries. Despite rapid changes in technology, and the wide variety of analyzers available, obtaining consistent, high quality results remains a challenge when implementing handheld Raman analyzers. In this short course, we survey the available analyzers and common applications and examine strategies such as sampling, algorithm and method control, a library tailoring for improving analysis results to get the full benefits of handheld Raman.
Course Outline
After attending this course, you will understand the different approaches taken to optimize handheld Raman and know how to both implement and validate them. This course will cover example standard operating procedures and method validation protocols, and feature hands on time with Raman instruments to demonstrate how these approaches work in the real world.
Instructor Biography
Dr. Adam J. Hopkins is an accomplished molecular spectroscopist experienced in instrument and detector design, operation principles and construction. He is proficient in designing, validating and accurately accessing spectroscopy methods and working experience with all spectroscopy techniques, including Raman and Near IR. He spent six years developing Raman spectroscopy systems and implementation plans for the Department of Defense prior to becoming the Spectroscopy Product Manager at Metrohm USA. Adam received his B.S. in Chemistry from Florida State University and his Ph.D. from University of Oregon.
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