March 1-5, 2025
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Mission of The Pittsburgh Conference

Advancing and enriching scientific endeavor by connecting scientists worldwide, facilitating the exchange of research and ideas, showcasing the latest in laboratory innovation, and funding science education and outreach.

Pittcon Values

We are proud of our people. We value the volunteer committee and the staff that make Pittcon a reality year after year; we celebrate the dedication of the educators, scientists, and students we support; and we admire our partners for the knowledge and innovation brought annually to our conference and exposition.

Collaboration & Cooperation
We promote the conversations, expand the exchanges, and help further the introductions that inspire scientific solutions to the problems of the modern world.

Innovation & Inspiration
We offer a venue for the exchange of ideas and exhibiting of instrumentation, and through this, a confluence of and for the ingenuity that leads to greater scientific achievement.

Knowledge & Education
We are an assembly, a shared institution of thought, of learning, of research, of state-of-the-art advances in science, an aggregation from which progress is borne.

Respect & Safety
We are an ethical, inclusive, diverse environment of respect and safety in all their forms and applications, for all people.

Commitment & Service
Since 1950, we have provided a first-rate venue for showcasing laboratory instrumentation and scientific advances, and we do this by delivering the highest level of ethical service to our customers, partners, and the international laboratory science community.

Adaptation & Variation
Like science, we adapt to the ever-changing needs of the international scientific community, offering a variety of practice areas, research, and products via a comprehensive range of technical programming, educational courses and workshops, and professional connectivity opportunities.

What we do, we do for the benefit of others. Proceeds from our annual conference and exposition fund education and outreach activities that encourage science for all.

So Why is it Called Pittcon?

Pittcon is the official name of the annual conference and expo organized by The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.

The first Pittcon was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1950, and is still headquartered there today.

Aren’t you glad it’s just called Pittcon!
Pittcon Professional Societies

Members of the The Pittsburgh Conference are selected from the memberships of the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP). The two Societies and The Pittsburgh Conference are non-profit organizations dedicated to science education. The volunteer members of the Conference are supported by a 12-person staff.

For more information, visit the SSP and SACP websites:

Where Does the Money Go?

Proceeds from Pittcon fund science education and outreach at all levels, kindergarten through adult.

Pittcon donates more than a million dollars a year to provide financial and administrative support for various science outreach activities including science equipment grants, research grants, scholarships and internships for students, awards to teachers and professors, and grants to public science centers, libraries and museums.

Board of Directors

Dr. Melinda Stephens
2024 President
Geneva College

Dr. Jonell Kerkhoff
Immediate Former President
Retired – Alcoa

Dr. Edward Zovinka
SSP Chair
Saint Francis University

Dr. Michael Shatlock
SSP Chair
Retired – Spectroscopist

Heather Juzwa
2025 President
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments

Don Antczak
2026 President / Treasurer
Retired – Hampton Township School District

Dr. Matthew Price
SACP Chair
Penn West – California

Dr. Stephanie Wetzel
SACP Immediate Former Chair
Duquesne University



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