Implementation of Laboratory Quality Assurance Program Using Control Charts

Implementation of Laboratory Quality Assurance Program Using Control Charts

Polona & John Carson
P&J Carson Consulting, llc
Short Course #33

Length: 2 Day Course

Date: 3/6 & 3/7 – Monday/Tuesday

Fee: $1100 ($1500 after 2/18/17)

Target Audience

This course is targeted to technicians, analysts and quality engineers in analytical laboratories of any industry.

Course Description

Control charts are easy to use statistical tools that allow laboratories to monitor and evaluate testing processes. Shewhart charts (I/MR, Xbar/R or Xbar/S charts) detect large shifts in process, while EWMA and CUSUM charts detect smaller shifts in the process. Participants of this course will learn how to implement control chart based quality (QA) program to evaluate analytical measurement system performance, maintain its stability and monitor its precision and bias. In this course we will present step by step implementation of QA program, statistical methods used in such program and practical guidelines for interpretation of analytical measurement system performance. This course was developed based on ASTM 2587, ASTM 6299 and ISO 7870-2,4,6 standards, on high level of theoretical knowledge and on many years of practical experience by both instructors.