Industrial Applications of Raman, Mid-/Near-/Far-Infrared Spectroscopy in Material and Life Sciences

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Presented by Heinz Siesler, University of Duisburg-Essen
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Cost: $250

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course provides a condensed overview on the theoretical principles and state-of-the-art instrumentation of the vibrational spectroscopic techniques and it will deal with a broad range of application examples from the chemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, and food industry as well as environmental investigations. Qualitative and quantitative analysis will be treated in terms of univariate as well as multivariate procedures. The course will illustrate the relevance of vibrational spectroscopy for research, reaction monitoring and quality/process control and it will enable participants to efficiently evaluate vibrational spectroscopic data and to assess the pros/cons relative to other analytical techniques.

TARGET AUDIENCE: R&D and laboratory managers, chemists, physicists, chemical engineers (also graduate students in these disciplines), and laboratory technicians working in the field of chemical, pharmaceutical and polymer analysis and research, as well as food and environmental investigations, quality assurance and process control will benefit from this course.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The focus on practical examples will help to select the most appropriate of the techniques discussed for individual problems. Participation in this course will also enable participants to better appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of vibrational spectroscopy compared to other analytical techniques and to interpret and evaluate vibrational spectroscopic data more efficiently.

TRACK: Chemical Materials/Materials Science

CATEGORIES: Infrared Spectroscopy, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Polymers, Raman Spectroscopy


About the Instructor

Heinz Siesler is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, with expertise in vibrational spectroscopy for industrial chemical research, analysis and process control.

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