Great Expectations for Pittcon 2016

R&D Magazine
Tue, 03/01/2016
Michelle Taylor, Editor-in-Chief, Laboratory Equipment & Anna Spiewak, Editor, R&D

The Pittsburg Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy is the premier annual laboratory science conference. The 66-year-old summit sets the tone for the rest of the year, with manufacturers debuting new analytical instrumentation that is sure to play a role in future research discoveries, along with lecturers delivering technical insights into their groundbreaking work, including how to propel the industry forward.

This year is no exception. For this reason, R&D Magazine has asked three industry experts — Michael Allen, vice president of marketing at Metrohm USA; Michael McGinley, manager, Core Products, Phenomenex; and Kelly Williams, product manager, Labconco Corp. to share their expectations for Pittcon 2016 prior to attending the conference March 6-10 in Atlanta.