Webinar: How to Optimize Your Pittcon Virtual Booth
Thursday, January 6, 2021
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern
Creating a virtual booth that captivates the attention of your target audience and compels them to visit and interact with your content and staff requires careful thought. You must carefully analyze each of your attendee-facing components and make sure they are fully optimized to provide an interactive attendee experience that is worthy of their time.
Since March, Jefferson Davis, one of America’s leading experts on B2B marketing, sales and exhibiting success, has been busy analyzing the exhibitor facing capabilities of virtual event platforms, and with his team of exhibit marketing experts, has developed a series of best practices to help you quickly and easily optimize your virtual booth.
Topics include:
- How a virtual booth is different than face-to-face exhibiting and three important dynamics you must be aware of and compensate for
- Understanding the attendee’s virtual journey
- Overview of exhibitor functions in the Pittcon virtual platform
- Practical strategies to optimize your virtual booth
- Visualizing the visitor journey through your virtual booth
- Why you must take a different approach to writing your company description
- Best practices for producing and utilizing videos
- Determining what documents to upload with emphasis on two unique and powerful documents most exhibitors will overlook
- Effectively utilizing chat
- Using the meeting scheduler
- How to develop your educational session content
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Presented by Jefferson Davis, President, Competitive Edge
Jefferson is President of Competitive Edge, a highly-specialized consulting and training firm on a mission to inspire, lead and direct businesses on how to more effectively use exhibiting to visibly support core business objectives and generate measurable financial value, far beyond cost.
His mission is achieved by challenging companies to re-evaluate limiting perspectives about exhibiting and getting them focused on precision execution of five critical exhibiting success factors.
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