March 1-5, 2025
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Pittcon 2021 Technical Content Policy

Authors of talks presented at Pittcon® 2021 may publish their work in any manner or place subsequent to the Conference. The authors are, and remain, sole owners of their submitted technical content. Pittcon does not require any copyright ownership transfer.

Attendees seeking additional information about specific papers are referred to contact the respective author(s) at their listed address(es). With the exception of titles and abstracts, which are made available (electronically or otherwise) to all full registration attendees, the Conference does not publish proceedings.

As noted above, these recorded presentations are not intended to preclude subsequent publication of presented work elsewhere by the author(s). The recorded presentation is made available to all fully registered attendees of the conference, but are not otherwise published or sold by Pittcon.

Pittcon 2021 Expo and Technical Program content will be available to registered attendees during a “live period”, from March 8-12, 2021, then on-demand for a total duration of 3 months. After this time, the site will be shut down and all Technical Program presentations and Q&A will be deleted. There will be no availability, persistence or archival of our Technical Program content or any presentations beyond close of show.

The only possible exception to the above would be if Pittcon reached out to you and received your permission to use brief snippets of your presentation in our promotional efforts.

Required Information for Invited Speakers, Contributed Paper and Poster Authors
This form must be properly completed and signed by an authorized person and accompany the recorded presentation submitted by the Speaker. Only one signature is required in the event the recorded summary has joint/co-authors.

  • Indemnity Agreement
    The Invited Speaker/Presenter acknowledges the information presented above and agrees that submitted material contains no matter which is libelous, obscene, or infringes any existing right of privacy, copyright, trademark or any other statutory or common law proprietary or civil right and is not otherwise unlawful. The author agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Pittcon® and its directors, officers, employees and agents harmless against any claims to the contrary.
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