March 1-5, 2025
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Call for Abstracts
Submit Your Abstract
We are now accepting proposals for Oral Sessions and Poster Sessions in all six Pittcon tracks.

Areas of special focus include: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Quality Measurements for Cannabis and Psychedelics, Food Safety, Air and Water Quality in a Changing Climate, High Purity Materials, Drug Discovery, and Ab-Drug Conjugates.

Abstracts have a 2,000 word limit and should summarize the following information:

Problem statement
2024 Technical Program Dates

Sunday, February 25
Monday, February 26
Tuesday, February 27
Wednesday, February 28

San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA, USA

Need Help?

412-825-3220, x209

Session Types

Poster Sessions
Posters are an excellent way to share your research with Pittcon attendees and exhibitors alike. Posters are displayed on the Pittcon Exposition floor, giving you the opportunity to share your work with an engaged and collaborative audience. Your poster is featured directly in front of and accessible by the professionals interested in your research – the people looking to collaborate with you, hire you, or provide you with future support.

Oral Sessions
An oral session is an exciting opportunity to reach a wide array of like-minded scientists and to share your research in a professional setting. These lectures are made up of seven speakers each contributing a 20-minute presentation. If your abstract is accepted, you will be grouped with other researchers, focusing on similar topics and tracks to comprise a session showcasing different approaches and breakthroughs in your research field. Presenting at Pittcon is an impressive addition to your CV/resume, and it provides you with the distinctive chance to connect with fellow innovators and to collaborate with an international audience of scientists.

Pittcon Tracks

Bioanalytical & Life Science
Biological molecules and xenobiotics (drugs, toxins) and their metabolites; study of biological systems; biosensors; forensic science and toxicology
Cannabis & Psychedelic
Identification, quantitative measurement, extraction, and quality assurance of cannabis-based and psychedelic products
Environment & Energy
Environmental detection and monitoring; energy production and storage; sustainability, climate, and green chemistry; food science/safety and agriculture
Instrumentation & Nanoscience
Instrumentation, detection, and sensors; laboratory information systems, data analysis, and artificial intelligence; characterization and processing of nanomaterials; art and archeology
Pharmaceutical & Biologic
Evaluating chemical composition and properties/activities of medicinal drugs and biologics; high-throughput screening and process control; drug discovery and design; personal care and consumer products
Professional Development
Leadership and power/soft skills; career navigation, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), communication, and entrepreneurship; education and teaching and more




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