See the Visible Difference in Laboratory Science Expositions at Pittcon 2019
In 2019, Pittcon will celebrate its 70th year. Thousands of laboratory professionals and scientists will ascend to the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA, March 16–21, for a week of education, research discovery, and networking with their peers.
This year’s host city finds the conference and exposition on the opposite side of Pennsylvania from where Pittcon’s roots took hold at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh in 1959. The first meeting showcased 14 exhibitors and 800 attendees. You can still find some of these exhibitors on the expo floor in 2019—Cannon Instrument Company, Cole-Parmer, LaMotte Company, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Thomas Scientific.
Pittcon has certainly evolved and grown over the years, but our main purpose remains the same—to provide the premier conference and exposition for laboratory professionals. And Pittcon 2019 will be no different!
The Technical Program will kick off on Monday, March 18, at the Wallace H. Coulter Lecture with Nobel Laureate, Dr. Fraser Stoddart. He will present “Materials Beyond Cyclodextrins: Emergence Opens Up a Whole New World of Wonders.” On Tuesday evening, Dr. Fenella France from the Library of Congress will take the stage at the Plenary Lecture to speak about “Preserving and Revealing History—Challenges of a Cultural Heritage Scientist.”
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