Sampling and Sample Preparation

Sampling and Sample Preparation

John Schneider
Argonne National Laboratory

Course: SC044

1 Day Course

Intermediate Level

Wednesday, February 28

Quality/Regulatory/Compliance, Environmental Analysis, Sample Preparation, Food, Forensics, Gas Chromatography

$575 ($775 after February 5)

More Course Info

Be sure to check out John’s other Short Courses:

Gas Chromatography/Infrared Spectrometry (course #SC008)

Chemical Sensors & Detectors in Real Time Chemical Analysis (course #SC009)

Course Description

This course covers how to obtain and prepare samples for chemical analysis that will provide the data needed to understand chemical processes. The course aims to help student:

    1. Understand the role of sampling and sample preparation in analytical chemistry. We will discuss various sampling strategies and the statistics needed to produce valid samples.

    2. Provide knowledge of sample preparation methods. We will discuss sample preparation for organic and inorganic samples. Extraction, Digestion, Cleanup, etc., and the QA/QC associated.

    3. Survey the various methods of sample preparation. We will look at the classic methods and the current state of the art.

Target Audience

Any Analytical Chemist working in the lab or involved in the sampling process for environmental characterization and/or chemical process analysis.

Course Outline

Topics to be covered:

    Chemical Processes, environmental, forensic, QA/QC, sampling plan

    Theory, Liquid/Liquid, Solid Phase, Headspace, SPME, Chemical derivatization

    When and how to use sample cleanup methods.

    EPA Methods, Chemical Processes, Selected topics of student interest.

Instructor’s Biography

John F. Schneider is the Group Leader of The Chemical Analysis & Research Group at Argonne National Laboratory. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, from Fall 2006 to present. At IIT he has taught Chem 506 Sampling & Sample Preparation over the last 10 years.

Susan J. Bussey is an Analytical Chemist in the Analytical Chemistry Lab at Argonne National Laboratory. Her specialty is Organic Analysis. She was a Group Leader of Organic Analysis at a Commercial Laboratory.