Don’t miss your opportunity to gain new leads, meet your sales goals, and spread brand and product awareness Pittcon’s virtual exposition.
◉ Matchmaking programming between exhibitors and attendees
◉ In-booth and across-platform messaging and live chat capabilities
◉ Flexible booth design to match your organization’s brand and style
◉ In-booth documents, videos, images, and avatars
◉ Live webinar and demonstration capabilities
◉ Gamification to drive booth visits
Anyone who develops, buys, or sells laboratory equipment, performs physical or chemical analyses, develops analysis methods, or manages these scientists.
Year over year, Pittcon attracts the highest-quality attendees responsible for making purchasing decisions.
Why You Need to Exhibit Now
The question is: Why wouldn’t you exhibit virtually? Now is the time to show customers that it’s “business as usual,” especially as we navigate toward the anticipated end of this pandemic. You cannot afford to miss the opportunity to stand out amongst the competition. As the saying goes: Out of sight is out of mind. Don’t start 2021 without promotion.
For more info, consider watching “How Virtual Exhibiting Can Help Your Company During a Crisis”
Exhibiting at a virtual show is a low-cost investment. Think about it: No airfare, no hotel expenses, no ground transportation, no entertainment and meals, no freight/shipping, etc… Your company is investing in a virtual booth alone. It costs less than a print ad, and yet the return can be so much more.
We’ve heard this, too. Most shows didn’t have the time to properly plan and execute their virtual show. Many shows failed to utilize attendee engagement and networking mechanisms. Almost all of the shows simply picked the wrong platform for their audience.
Fortunately, we took our time to research – we talked with our exhibitors, program participants, and attendees. We observed, we listened, and we eventually found the best virtual platform available – LabRoots whose platform was designed for the laboratory science industry and its diverse audience.
Historically, Pittcon’s attendees are involved in major purchasing decisions. Nearly 75% of Pittcon’s annual attendance is comprised of purchasers while 50% of Pittcon’s annual attendance plans to make a purchase within 6 months of attending Pittcon.
Pittcon is promoting our 2021 to past attendees and to prospective attendees in new markets, in at least ten languages spanning the globe, and through novel promotional channels.
As an exhibitor, your reps will have on-demand, real-time access to reports and information regarding booth visits, chat information, or any other booth activity. Additionally, full booth reports will be provided at the end of the live exposition period. These reports will include data such as booth visits, viewed booth content, content downloads, and click action information. These reports will also be provided through June 12, 2021.
Traditional sales and marketing channels no longer have the same impact they did even one year ago. Face-to-face interaction and email marketing are proving both unfeasible and unreliable in the midst of a global pandemic. As a result, novel and creative ways must be explored so that your products and services can be promoted to the right audience.
Enter the virtual exposition: a means by which promotion to targeted audiences and countering the competition is achieved.
Live webinars, product demonstrations, networking, and sponsorships are key to driving attendees to your booth.
We are working diligently with LabRoots to provide gamification, quick paths to the virtual expo, an in-show briefcase/inbox for scheduling, and direct engagement mechanisms.
We are also making it easier for exhibitors to interact with attendees through direct messaging capabilities, attendee information, and distinctive booth and demo add-ons.
Join your colleagues virtually for Pittcon 2021, March 8 – 12