Pittcon 2017: Reflections From the Floor
Pittcon 2017 commenced with a fascinating talk by world-renowned optogenetics expert Dr. Karl Deisseroth, D.H. Chen Professor of Bioengineering, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Optogenetics allows neuroscientists to play in information to the brain by using light to target specific cells. The technique overcomes the challenges of observations and correlations and enables the ability to address causality.
Dr Deisseroth outlined emerging insight into how optogenetic proteins work and how his team are building new optogenetic approaches based on this deeper understanding.
The depth of knowledge now achievable was a theme that continued throughout Pittcon. Thermo Fisher Scientific described their focus on allowing users to go from sample to knowledge in order to make the world a healthier, cleaner and safer place.
In addition to mass spectroscopy and their newly obtained strength in electron microscopy, through the recent acquisition of FEI, Thermo Fisher Scientific announced at Pittcon the expansion of their informatics capabilities to help customers turn data into actionable knowledge.
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