Perspectives and Progress in ICP-AES – New Instrumental Configurations for Multielement Analysis
Presented by Isaac (Joe) Brenner, Brenner Scientifc
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 ◉ 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Cost: $199
TARGET AUDIENCE: This course is intended for all laboratory personnel – operators, managers, quality control and assurance specialists, research scientists, environmental chemists, geochemists, biologists, metallurgists, toxicologists, new and experienced users of atomic absorption and plasma spectrometry, and technical personnel at all levels.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Overview and description of ICP-AES technologies. Comparison with Microwave Induced Plasmas. Advantages of low UV wavelength range for determination of halogens and other elements. Developments in axially, radially’, dual, side-on, dual side viewed plasmas. Comparison using LODs, linearity, and EIE matrix effects. Evaluation of plasma observation configurations and robust conditions – MgII/Mg I ratios and minimum EIE effects Cross-over point – Vertical intensity variations and regions of minimum easily ionized element interference effects. Enhancement effects due to addition of C-species. Brief overview of the DC carbon Arc AES, slurry nebulization and spark ablation for direct solids analysis. Requirements for ISO 17025 accreditation. Overcoming hurdles of sample preparation.
About Joe Brenner
Dr. Isaac (Joe) Brenner is actively involved in instrumental and methods development for solution and solids analysis using ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Brenner obtained his PhD at the Hebrew University. Brenner was a guest scientist with the Department of Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Graz, Austria, Earth Dynamics Science Center, National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique Bio Inorganique et Environnement, (LCABIE) CNRS, Pau, France, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, and Faculty of Chemistry, Autonoma University, Barcelona, Spain. He was a senior scientist in the Application and R and D laboratories in Jobin Yvon, France. He developed analytical methodologies for ICP-AES using axially viewed ICPs at the Varian Research Center, Palo Alto, California, USA and was an application adviser for Atomic and Mass Spectrometry at Thermo Scientific in Spain and UK. Dr Joe Brenner has delivered more than 350 presentations, short courses, round table discussions, at universities, international symposiums, research institutes, and instrument manufacturers; he has 95 peer-reviewed scientific publications and several hundred internal application reports.
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