High-Throughput and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Drug Discovery and Clinical Research
Instructor: Yu Zhou, Expert in Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Thursday, July 20, 2023 ◉ 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Cost: $250
Track: Bioanalytics & Life Sciences
Course Level: Advanced
Course Description: Part one: HRAM Orbitrap data acquisition modes and good practices 1. Full Scan 2. Full MS/AIF 3. Targeted-SIM 4. Full MS/dd-MS2 5. Full MS/AIF NL/dd-MS2 6. PRM orTargeted-MS2 (t-MS2) 7. Precursor Exclusion list 8. AcquireX 9. DIA 10.SureQuant 11. BoxCar acquisition 12. TMT SPS MS3 with Real Time Search 13. EThcD and ETciD 14. UVPD 15. FAMIS . Part two: Case studies 1. Targeted absolute therapeutic protein quantification: IGF-1 2.Microbiome, metaproteomic, and in-house bioinformatic solution 3. Protein-drug Characterization Part three: Troubleshooting 1. Take advantage of the Rules Wizard for routine KEY troubleshooting 2. Common problems in LC and their potential solutions 3. Common problems in MS and their potential solutions.
Target Audience: The objective of this short course is for researchers to recognize the advantages of orbitrap-based HRAM technology. Scientists who would like to sharpen their skills of HRAM MS method development and troubleshooting.
Learning Objectives: In this course, we will introduce an overview of common HRAM Orbitrap MS approaches, and some advanced HRAM data acquisition techniques. We will include practical strategies on how to increase throughput and leverage HRAM for optimized performance, enhanced sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy, and resolution. In addition, good practices and troubleshooting tips will be discussed.
Categories: Bioanalytical, Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics, Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
About the Instructor
Dr. Yu Zhou has a unique multidisciplinary background in mass spectrometry, chromatography, proteomics, bioinformatics, computer programming, lab automation, and clinical method development and validation. She is a Senior Service Fellow at CDC. She obtained her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Peking University. She has been engaged in clinical mass spectrometry assay developments and research, aiming to develop high-throughput advanced technology for COVID and other Diseases’ preparedness, readiness, and fast response actions.
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