Examples of Analytical Data Treatment Using Microsoft Excel: Part 1 – Some Basics

Examples of Analytical Data Treatment Using Microsoft® Excel™: Part 1 – Some Basics

Mark Stauffer
University of Pittsburgh
Course: Short Course #96

Level: Beginner

Length: 1/2 Day Course

Date: 03/07/2016 – Monday

Fee: $300 ($400 after 2/12/16)

More Course Info

Target Audience

Professionals in industry, academia, government, and health-related areas who want a refresher on using spreadsheets for their projects, undergraduate chemistry and related science majors, graduate students in the sciences – in other words, anyone who wants some experience in manipulation of experimental data and results with Microsoft® Excel™.

Course Description

This course deals with the use of Microsoft® Excel™ in such areas as descriptive statistics for data and results, significance testing, detection limits, titration curves, basic regression, graphing, and other techniques and tools. Topics are chosen at the instructor’s discretion; suggestions from participants are welcome.

A basic operational knowledge of Excel™ is assumed. Participants will use Excel™’s math, statistical, and graphing functions to generate results, and will receive relevant course materials.

Purchase of “Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide”, Third Edition, by E. Joseph Billo (Wiley-VCH, New York, NY, 2011) (ISBN 978-0-470-38123-6) is OPTIONAL.