Coffee Break: Q&A with Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Awardee, Dr. John Yates

Dr. John Yates
Department of Molecular Medicine at Scripps Research Institute
Thursday, November 9 @ 2:00 PM EST

Award Session: Capturing Cardiomyocyte Cell-to-Cell Heterogeneity via Shotgun Top-Down Proteomics
Track: Bioanalytical & Life Science

Join Dr. John Yates, Professor in the Department of Molecular Medicine at Scripps Research Institute, for an informal Q&A. Dr. Yates is the 2024 Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Awardee, and during this session, you’ll get a preview of his award address, “Capturing Cardiomyocyte Cell-to-Cell Heterogeneity via Shotgun Top-Down Proteomics” that will be presented at Pittcon in the bioanalytical track. You’ll learn how Dr. Yates got into this field of research and his history at Pittcon. Dr. Yates will also share some tips for making the most out of Pittcon and/or San Diego. Have a question for Dr. Yates? You’ll get an opportunity to ask!

This Coffee Break will be moderated by Dr. Jessica Saver, Pittcon 2024 Bioanalytical Track Leader and Associate Professor of Chemistry at Westminster College.

About John Yates

John R. Yates is the Ernest W. Hahn Professor in the Departments of Molecular Medicine & Neurobiology. His research interests include development of methods for tandem mass spectrometry analysis of protein mixtures, mass spectrometry bioinformatics using, & biological studies involving proteomics. He is the lead inventor of the SEQUEST software for correlating tandem mass spectrometry data to sequences in the database & developer of the shotgun proteomics technique for the analysis of protein mixtures. His laboratory has developed proteomic techniques to analyze protein complexes, posttranslational modifications, organelles & quantitative analysis of protein expression for the study of biology. He has received the ASMS Biemann Medal, HUPO Achievement Award, Christian Anfinsen Award (Protein Society), Analytical Chemistry award (ACS), Ralph N. Adams Award, Thomson Medal (IMSF), John B. Fenn Award (ASMS), HUPO Discovery Award. He is currently the EIC at the Journal of Proteome Research.

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